JWC Cross Name Tag Instructions & Templates

JWC Cross Name Tag Instructions (pdf)
JWC Cross Name Tag Instructions (Word)
Front of JWC Cross Card
Back of JWC Cross Card

Whether nominating, sponsoring or everything else this is your one-stop shopping for all the forms:

As of 2022, the Journey With Christ Board, approved an alternative to submitting paper registrations; but be sure to read the brochure (it’s on the web) and explain what’s involved to your cat and their parents, if less than 18 years old and getting the parents’ permission if your cat is less than 18 years old]

Adult Background Check:  The Journey With Christ Board has decided to use a new national adult background check process.  Therefore,

1. The form will no longer be posted on this website.  However, when an adult registers to work who is due for a background check, the Registrar will email them the new form and a disclosure file.

2.  The background check form has additional fields to complete, including affirmation that the disclosures were provided.

3.  A separate file containing the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) required disclosures will be sent along with the form because in additional to other sources some financial databases will be a part of the background search.

What will remain the same as it has been in the past is:

1.  As has been the case since 2016, the background check will be required to be submitted every three years.

2.  The section on the adult worker registration that requires an affirmation that the information on the last background check form has not changed will still be REQUIRED to be completed each time and adult worker registers to work on a Journey.

If you have any questions about the new process, please contact the Registrar at journeyregistrar@gmail.com

Caterpillar Registration Form (download for hard copy)

Adult Worker Registration Form (download for hard copy)

Minor Worker Registration Form (younger than 18; download for hard copy)

Online Nomination Form

If you need a hard copy form, please e-mail your request to the Registrar at journeyregistrar@gmail.com